case #2
ecology | recycling | green energy

System for processing organic waste and plastic into gas/electricity and clean water.

In the reactor, water is in a state of supercritical fluid and dissolves organic matter and pieces of plastic on hydrogen and carbon compounds.

As a result, you get clean water and gas (which immediately turns into electricity).

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01.04 - 25.04 2023
01.04 - 25.04 2023
Deep study of the project
Verification of technical documentation. Business model analysis. Identification of risk areas.
4.05. - 05.06 2023
4.05. - 05.06 2023
Analysis of the perspectives in the region.
Online research and purchase access to regional studies. Competitive analysis. The main parameter: the cost of electricity. The most perspective countries: Singapore, Australia, Philippines. These countries are also very environmentally friendly.
05.06. - 30.09 2023
05.06. - 30.09 2023
Marketing Strategy
Building awareness among investors
LP development and adaptation. Creating a profile in social media.
PR strategy in business media.
Preparation for profile conferences in Singapore.
Direct Marketing at LinkedIn
20.07. - 30.10 2023
20.07. - 30.10 2023
Investment advisory
Partners & Investors
Assistance in preparing documents for investors (van page, pitch desk, financial model).
First contacts with potential investors and investment funds.
Making the first case in Vietnam
30.09 - 25.12
30.09 - 25.12
Marketing Campaign
Informing and influencing
Conferences and exhibitions performance
Preparation and publication of articles about the project and technology.
Legal support of marketing activity
Government Relationship
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